Lowongan kerja telkom properti

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Seleksi Penerimaan Karyawan Baru
Bidang Engineering
Penempatan Seluruh Indonesia
Tahun 2013

TelkomProperty (PT Graha Sarana Duta) beroperasi di seluruh Indonesia dan memiliki kantor perwakilan di seluruh kota besar, dan saat ini membuka kesempatan kepada putra – putri bangsa untuk mengisi posisi sbb :
Latar belakang Pendidikan D3/S1 : Teknik Mesin, Teknik elektro Arus Kuat (listrik), Teknik elektro Arus Lemah (elektronika), Teknik Pendingin (refrigerasi dan tata udara)

Pengajuan Lamaran
Silakan datang langsung untuk mengikuti Tes Tertulis (2 jam) dan Wawancara (30 menit) dengan membawa:
Surat Lamaran, CV, Foto Copy KTP, Foto Terbaru, Copy Ijazah dan transkrip nilai
Rekrutasi Engineer (pengalaman 0-3 tahun, usia max 30 th) :
  • Menara Multimedia Lantai 3 (Aula)
  • Jl. Kebon Sirih No.12 Jakarta Pusat
  • Jum'at, 01 & 08 November 2013, pukul : 08.00 – 16.00
Rekrutasi Supervisor dan Chief (min pengalaman 4 th, usia max 35 th)
  • Gedung Merah Putih lantai 6, Ruang delima 1 & 2
  • Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No.52 Jakarta Selatan
  • Sabtu, 2 & 9 November 2013
  • Pukul : 08.00 – 16.00

Lowongan kerja calon pegawai PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia expired 30 November 2013

0 komentar
Seleksi Penerimaan Calon Pegawai
PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia
Tahun 2013
Lowongan Kerja KPEI – Saffa – PT. Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia is a company in capital market industry – subsidiary company of Indonesia Stock Exchange, urgently needs candidates to fill position as :
IT Development (Code: IT)
General Qualification:
  • Bachelors degree from reputable universities, in the following major: Information Technology or Computer Science
  • Min. GPA: 2.75 (scale : 4.00)
  • Age max. 28 years old
  • Experience with financial industry (capital market) is an advantage;
  • Fresh graduate is welcome
Personal skills:
  • Achievement of excellence;
  • Highly motivated and initiative;
  • Willing to work hard and under pressure;
  • Demonstrated ability to work with minimum supervision, either independently or as a part of team;
  • Ability to handle and manage multiple projects and assignment
  • Analytical & problem solver
Technical skills:
  • Strong knowledge in object oriented programming;
  • Have experience and certification in .Net and or Java;
  • Strong system design skills – UML;
  • Familiar with relational databases (SQL Server & Oracle);
  • Knowledge of Software Development Life Cycle;
How to apply
If you are interested and competent in accordance with the requirements, please send your resume to:
HR Unit
PT. Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia
Indonesia Stock Exchange Building Tower I, 5th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190
Or by email: nunik@kpei.co.id
  • please mention the job vacancy code in the subject
  • You can find out more details of us on http://www.kpei.co.id

Lowongan kerja calon pegawai PT. Gendhis Multi Manis

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Seleksi Penerimaan Calon Pegawai
PT Gendhis Multi Manis
Tahun 2013

Saffa – PT Gendhis Multi Manis membuka lowongan kerja untuk tenaga berbakat yang ulet, mau bekerja keras, memiliki motivasi tinggi, punya integritas, dan memiliki kemandirian dengan latar belakang pendidikan sebagai berikut:
Staf/Chief Section/Supervisor:
  1. S1 Teknik Sipil (Kode : SIP)
  2. S1 Teknik Industri (Kode: IND)
  3. D3 Teknik Elektro arus kuat (Kode: ELK)
  4. D3 Teknik Mesin (Kode: MES)
  5. D3 Teknik Kimia (Kode: KIM)
  6. S1 / D3 Ekonomi Prodi Manajemen (Kode: MNJ)
  7. S1 / D3 Psikologi (Kode: PSI)
  8. S1 / D3 Hukum (Kode: HKM)
  9. S1 / D3 Komunikasi (Kode: KOM)
Operator (Kode: OPR):
  1. SMK jurusan Listrik, Mesin, Sipil
  2. SMK Industri / Kimia
  3. SMA semua jurusan
  • WNI, usia maksimal 27 tahun (lahir setelah 31 Mei 1986)
  • Untuk Kode: SIP, IND, ELK, MES, KIM IPK minimal 2,75
  • Untuk Kode: MNJ, PSI, HKM, KOM berpengalaman minimal 2 tahun di bidang HRD/PERSONNEL; HSE (K3) ; PR (HUMAS) dan 1PK minimal 2,75.
  • Untuk Kode: OPR nilai rata-rata ijasah minimal 7,00
  • Karena sifat pekerjaan yang akan dilakukan, laki-laki akan diprioritaskan.
  • Bersedia mengikuti tes di Yogyakarta atau Blora (sesuai tempat yang ditentukan).
  • Tidak pernah dihukum karena melakukan tindak kejahatan.
  • Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan tidak hormat dari Instansi atau Badan Hukum Pemerintah maupun Swasta.
  • Surat pernyataan bermeterai 6000 yang menyatakan bahwa semua dokumen yang diserahkan adalah benar.
Pengajuan Lamaran
Kirim surat lamaran secara langsung atau melalui email: lpp.act@gmail.com dengan dilampiri daftar riwayat hidup (cantumkan nomor telpon yang mudah dihubungi), fotocopy ijasah dan transkrip nilai, 1 lembar pas foto berwarna ukuran 4 x 6 terbaru, fotocopy identitas diri (KTP/SIM) yang masih berlaku, Surat keterangan sehat dan tidak buta warna dari dokter, Surat keterangan catatan kepolisian, cantumkan kode formasi didalam surat lamaran, ditujukan kepada:

JI. Jend. Urip Sumoharjo No. 100, Yogyakarta – 55222. Telp. (0274) 586201
Bagi yang menyerahkan lamaran secara langsung, tempat penyerahan berkas lamaran sebagai berikut:
  • Kampus LPP Yogyakarta Jl. Urip Sumoharjo No. 100, pada tanggal 28 Oktober 2013 jam 08.00 – 16.30 (tes dilaksanakan tanggal 30 Oktober 2013)
  • Pabrik PT. GMM Blora, Jl. Raya Kunduran -Todanan Km.7, Todanan, Blora pada tanggal 28 Oktober- 11 November 2013 jam 10.00 – 15.00 (tes dilaksanakan tanggal 13 dan 14 November 2013).
  • Lamaran dikirim melalui email paling lambat diterima tgl 11 November 2013.
  1. Pelamar yang berhak mengikuti tes adalah yang memenuhi persyaratan administrasi.
  2. Keputusan panitia bersifat mutlak.
  3. Panitia tidak melayani surat menyurat, sms, dan telepon yang berkaitan dengan hasil tes.
  4. Selama proses seleksi, akomodasi dan transportasi peserta tidak ditanggung panitia.

Vacancy job and career position in kuta bali

0 komentar
We are BEST WESTERN PREMIER Sunset Road Kuta, 4+ International Chain Hotel located at Sunset Road Kuta offering a great vacancy for better career as the following positions:

- Director of Sales & Marketing 
- Financial Controller
- Human Resources Manager 
- Executive Chef
- Sales Manager 
- Sales Admin

All candidates should have the same experiences as related vacant positions available. 
Send your application to training@bwpremiersunsetroad.com
Put the position you apply at the subject of your email. 
Only qualified candidates will be contacted. 

Kuliah sambil kerja, bisa..

0 komentar
Apakah anda sedang Kuliah? Apakah anda membutuhkan Pemasukan?
Kami adalah jawaban anda, karena anda dapat bekerja sambil kuliah

Lowongan TEACHER Part Time


• Wanita/Pria
• Mahasiswa atau lulusan D1,D2,D3/S1 jurusan Teknologi Informasi/Komputer, Lulusan SMK Multimedia
• Usia maksimal 28 tahun
• Berpenampilan Menarik
• Bertempat tinggal di daerah Jabodetabek
• Menyukai anak-anak dan suka mengajar
• Berbahasa Inggris aktif
• Menyukai tantangan, dinamis dan kreatif
• Mampu berkerja dalam teamwork

Training tidak dipungut biaya
Selama Training diganti Uang Transport
Training selama 6 Hari [Di Kantor Pusat]
Mendapat Skill dan Knowledge baru

Segera kirim Surat Lamaran CV dan foto berwarna terbaru dalam format .pdf max 1 MB ke:

E-mail : didi.sunardi@digikidz.co.id
Subject : CV – nama lengkap - posisi yang diinginkan
Cth : CV – David Sutejo – Teacher

Info lengkap :
021 - 537 1163

Vacancy Assistant Chief Estate Manager

0 komentar
Job title: Assistant Chief Estate Manager
Location of job: Harapan Rainforest Ecosystem Restoration Concession, Harapan Rainforest camp, Jambi province, Sumatra, Indonesia
Reporting to:  Chief Estate Manager PT REKI
Overall purpose of the job:
A strong proactive manager  required to assist the Chief Estate Manager in managing, coordinating and leading the daily operational activities of Harapan Rainforest, and to perform as the Acting Chief Estate Manager as required.
Closing Date: (30 days after opening)
A consortium of Burung Indonesia, The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and Birdlife International has established Harapan Rainforest to protect and restore the productivity and ecosystem balance of more than 98,000 ha of dry lowland rainforest in Jambi and South Sumatra provinces, Sumatra, under the first ever ecosystem restoration license issued by the Indonesian government. With support from several international donors, Harapan Rainforest will make a significant contribution to the global debate on ecosystem restoration, biodiversity conservation, combatting deforestation and tackling climate change.
Harapan Rainforest is located 3 hour drive south of Jambi City. In turn, Jambi can be reached by one hour flight from Jakarta. Accommodation on site is simple but comfortable.
The latest information can be found at www.harapanrainforest.org
Harapan Rainforest is offering a unique opportunity to join and shape this groundbreaking initiative. We are building a team of exceptional individuals and have an immediate vacancy in the following position:
Personal Specification:
1.       Indonesian National
2.       University degree (minimum BSc) in Forestry, Natural Resources, Agriculture or closely related field
3.       5 years' experience in production forestry or land management
4.       2 years' experience in the overall management and coordination of a department at the concession level
5.       Experience in preparing and managing departmental budgets
6.       Working knowledge of conflict-resolution processes
7.       Good understanding of governmental structures and processes
8.       Working knowledge of Quality and Environmental Management Systems
9.   General knowledge of Ecosystem Restoration license requirements
10.   General knowledge of non-timber forest products
11.   General knowledge of high conservation value assessment, management, monitoring and enhancement
12.   Strong leadership skills, communicative and team player
13.   Excellent communication and organizational skills
14.   Able to communicate in both Indonesian and English (speak, read, and write)
Duties and Responsibilities
1.       Assist the Chief Estate Manager with the management and coordination of the daily operational activities of Harapan Rainforest that are consistent with Ecosystem Restoration license requirements. This will include, but not be limited to responsibility for:
a.       Financial oversight
b.      Strategic management of staff resources
c.       Preparing input to reports for the Board of Patrons and financial donors
d.      Ensuring legal compliance in all aspects of operation
2.       Develop organizational capacity; delegate responsibility; empower Department Heads and staff to achieve, monitor and report on the results of targets and objectives.
3.       Maintain consistent communication and coordination of all operational and strategic activities with relevant partners and Technical Advisors.
4.       Report to the Chief Estate Manager, PT REKI.  
Application: Interested candidates should send a detailed 2 pages CV and a covering letter which details how you meet the personal specification and why you are interested in the position.
Email applications should be addressed to : recruitment@harapanrainforest.org

Lowongan kerja di konsultan pajak dan bisnis

0 komentar
Kami, konsultan pajak dan bisnis,  membutuhkan seorang tenaga akuntan dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:
1. Lulusan SMK / D3 jurusan akuntansi
2. Wanita / Pria maksimal umur 30 tahun.
3. Bisa menjalankan aplikasi MYOB, Excel, Word dan Internet.
4. Mengirimkan surat lamaran disertai CV, pas foto dan  transkrip nilai dan no HP untuk dihubungi..

Lamaran harap ditujukan kepada :
PT. Forcunesia,
Tax & Business Consultant,
Jl. Kuningan Barat I No 26, Lantai 6
Mampan Prapatan,

Bpk Murniansyah
email. murniansyah@forcunesia.com
Tilpon 0811-8163-899

Lowongan Mine Engineer

0 komentar
PT. INAMCO VARIA JASA specializes in the supply, management and development of workforces for the Indonesian mining, energy, and infrastructure development sectors.

We have more than two decades (35 Years) of experience supplying complete workforces or selected work groups to meet the short and long term employment requirements of Major Indonesian and International clients on projects and operations Throughout Indonesia.
Our Client, urgently requires the following position:
Mine Engineer

Qualification : 
  • Male, Age  Max : 40 Years.
  • Mine Planning experience in short term mine planning, long-term mine planning, mining engineering support, mining engineering project study/evaluation
  • Competence in mining principles, mine design concepts, mining methods and equipment.
  • Have Certificate :  POP (Pengawas Operasional Pertama) from ESDM Dept.
  • Good knowledge about SHE / K3 procedure in mining sector.
  • Familiar with mining software: Minex, MineScape, AutoCad, MapInfo and Surpac
  • Willing to be placed at Barito Timur, Central Kalimantan
 Interested applicants, please kindly send in detailed resume stating expected salary and availability to:  
Jl.Poltangan No. 48
Jakarta 12530, Indonesia
Phone : (62-21) 78837610 (Hunting)
Fax : (62-21) 78837578
Website :

Membutuhkan resepsionis dan sekretaris di perusahaan oil dan gas

0 komentar
Selamat Siang,
Kami dari PT Kasyasindo, bermaksud menawarkan anda untuk posisi receptionist untuk klien kami yaitu:
·         oil n gas company di daerah cilandak kko (jaksel) / oil n gas company di daerah senayan or international company di daerah sunter(jakut)
·         reception & secretary / VIP Car gallery di daerah menteng, jakpus.
(good looking is a must for this position)
jika berminat :
Silahkan kirim cv+foto anda ke
range salary 3-4.5 jt/bulan, jam kerja office hour (8 pagi-5 sore)
sabtu dan minggu libur, status kontrak pertahun.
More info bisa add pin BB kami di 2277462d atau telp lsg ke flexi hrd di 71225678 atau bisa juga kunjungi website kami di :
Terima kasih, kami menunggu respon dari anda.
Salam_ Tim Rekrutmen.

vacancy job 26 position oil and gas company

0 komentar
A Drilling Offshore and oil and gas Company based a, looks for professional candidates a

below positions:

A. Office based Positions:

1. Operation Engineer
2. Accounting Manager
3. Accounting Staff
4. Inventory Staff

5. Administration Staff
6. Secretary
7. Operation Staff
8. Accounting Supervisor
9. Logistic Coordinator
10. Storekeeper

B. Offshore Positions:

1. Driller
2. Asst. Driller
3. Derrickman
4. Pumpman
5. Floorman/Roughneck
6. Barge Master

7. Crane Operator
8. Deck Foreman
9. Mechanic Electrical
10. Materialsman
11. Chief Officer
12. Chief Engineer
13. Radio Operator
14. Rigger
15. Painter
16. Safety Officer

C. Qualifications
1. At east 5 years experiences as position applied (shorebase positions); 10 years in
Offshore drilling rig and/or shipping offshore (offshore positions) & Should be fluent English both oral and written (all positions)
2. Thorough discipline, responsibility, able to work under pressure and willing to work hard (all positions)
3. UKOOA Standard with MCU report (all offshore)
4. BST & Seaman book with min. 9 months validity (all offshore)
5. Hold valid BOSIET certificate - Approved by ONTO (all offshore)
6. Hold valid IWCF / IADC Well Control certification (1)
7. Hold valid Migas License as required (2,3,4,5,7,14)
8. Hold valid GOC/GMDSS/AGGR (13); Valid HLO (06,13 & 16)
9. Hold valid Class 3 certificate of Indonesian's seafarer (6, 8,11 & 12)
10. All deck crews minimum to have ANTD; engine crews minimum to have ATT IV
11. Familiar with HSE implementation (16)


Pls visit our web to apply www.nautic-resources.com

Lowongan kerja sales manager

0 komentar
Axindo Infotama adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam distribusi:
1. Aksesoris handphone (handsfree bluetooth, flipcase, battery, power bank).
2. Dealership XL.
3. Dealership Smartfren.
4. Dealership BTel (Bakrie Telecomunication)

Membutuhkan staff dengan posisi sebagai berikut"


  • Melakukan pemasaran dan meningkatkan penjualan produk
  • Melakukan koordinasi sales
  • Membuat laporan penjualan
  • Melakukan analisa pasar dan kompetitor aktifitas
  • Mendapatkan new customer
  • Membuat mapping area dan program kerja sales
  • Membuat buffer stock dan forecast sales
  • Pria, usia 30 - 35 tahun.
  • Pendidikan S1 semua jurusan
  • Pengalaman sebagai sales supervisor min. 5 tahun khususnya dari perusahaan FMCG / handphone accesoris
  • Diutamakan bila mampu berbahasa mandarin
  • Siap untuk mobile
  • Terbiasa bekerja dengan target
Salary : IDR 8.000.000 - 10.000.000

Bagi yang berminat silahkan kirim CV ke :
Kompleks Ruko Mega Grosir Cempaka Mas Blok K-29
Jl. Letjend Suprapto
Cempaka Putih, Jakarta Pusat 10640
email: hrd@axindo.co.id

Lowongan kerja di ekosistem burung

0 komentar
  Lowongan - Burung Indonesia
Burung Indonesia adalah organisasi nirlaba yang telah bergiat sejak 15 Juli 2002, bertujuan melestarikan seluruh jenis burung  dan habitatnya di Indonesia, serta bekerjasama dengan masyarakat untuk mencapai pembangunan yang lestari.
Burung Indonesia saat ini sedang melaksanakan program Danida Support to Harapan Rainforest (DSHRF) terletak di Propinsi Jambi dan Sumatera Selatan. Salah satu target utama DSHRF adalah mengembangkan pusat pengetahuan untuk restorasi ekosistem, termasuk pengembangan dan pengelolaan Ecosystem Restoration Resource Center (ERRC) di HRF. Lingkupnya termasuk mencakup aspek manajemen konsesi dan juga mempromosikan Restorasi Ekosistem (RE) sebagai pilihan cara mengelola hutan alam produksi di kalangan masyarakat kehutanan Indonesia, pengembangan bisnis  RE dan kemitraan,  termasuk dengan pengalaman manajemen konsesi di Hutan Harapan.
Dalam mencapai target tersebut Burung Indonesia membutuhkan tenaga profesional muda yang kreatif, dinamis dan enerjik untuk dapat melaksanakan program-program yang tengah dibangun dan untuk itu Burung Indonesia membuka kesempatan seluas-luasnya pada posisi:
Ecosystem Restoration Development Officer
Gambaran umum pekerjaan
Mengembangkan konsep dan penguatan kebijakan Restorasi Ekosistem (RE) bersama parapihak terutama dengan kalangan akademis dan pemerintah,  membantu/mengasistensi praktek manajemen konsesi dan mendokumentasikan best practice kegaitan RE termasuk pengembangan standar PHPL pada IUPHHK-RE yang adaptif. Melakukan mainstreaming RE kepada para pihak sebagai pilihan utama dalam pengelolaan hutan alam produksi di Indonesia.
·         Latar belakang pendidikan minimum S1 Bidang Kehutanan, Biologi atau yang relevan;
·         Telah bekerja minimal 5 tahun dalam bidang Kehutanan dan pengelolaan SDA;
·         Menguasai pemahaman tentang manajemen konsesi, teknik restorasi, dan system silvikultur dan aspek-aspek politik ekologi/kehutanan;
·         Mampu melakukan lobby dan engagement serta berkomunikasi baik dengan para pihak termasuk pengambil kebijakan;
·         Menguasi komuter applikasi MS office (Word, power point, excel), memiliki pemahaman aplikasi data base mendapat prioritas;
·         Menguasai Bahasa Inggeris lisan dan tulisan;
·         Dapat bekerja secara tim maupun mandiri;
·         Perempuan mendapatkan kesempatan yang sama untuk mengisi posisi ini.
Surat lamaran dan CV dikirim ke alamat email: recruit@burung.org atau alamat surat: PO. Box.310/BOO, Bogor 16003, INDONESIA dan harus sudah diterima sebelum tanggal 18 Oktober 2013. Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi syarat yang akan dipanggil untuk wawancara.
Burung Indonesia
Jl. Dadali No. 32,
BOGOR 16161
Telp. +62 251 8357 222
Fax. +62 251 8357 961
Website: www.burung.org 

Vacant position in company mining

0 komentar
Read More in www.nautic-resources.com , 
Working Location: Balikpapan
Offshore Site
1. Senior Engineer
• Min 10 Years' Experience
2. Middle Engineer
• Min 7 Years' Experience
3. Designer
• Min 5 Years' Experience
4. Structural Engineer
• Familiar With SACS
5. Piping And Layout Engineer
• Familiar With CAESAR
6. Instrumentation And Controls Engineer
• Familiar With INTOOLS
7. Electrical Engineer
• Familiar With IEEE
8. Senior Electrical Engineer
Job Function:
The Senior Electrical Engineer assists the Electrical Engineer Specialist in all aspects of electrical systems engineering and follow-on engineering support for EPC1 with particular focus on the stick-built substations. The position ensures that the Project's requirements, as detailed in the Technical Specifications, for all electrical engineering are carried out in an accurate and timely fashion. The position stewards electrical engineering aspects of the Project with other discipline leads on the Project Team and the site execution team, as necessary. The position interfaces among the PT and the EPC contractor's organization with respect to electrical engineering, design, and constrcution execution to ensure quality and minimize change orders.
Key requirements of this position are:
• Thorough knowledge and expertise in electrical equipment and hardware selection
• Ability to assist and mentor other PT members with less experience
• Willingness to work from Cepu Site on a rotation and ability to travel to FATs
Required Knowledge, Qualifications, Skills, and Experiences:
• Thorough and extensive knowledge of industry with ExxonMobil experience an advantage:
- Electrical engineering principles, theories, and concepts
- Applicable codes, standards, and trade practices
• Thorough knowledge and expert judgment in the selection and application of electrical equipment and hardware
• Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering or Engineering Technology
• 7+ years of closely related professional engineering experience, 2+ years of which should be at the Senior Electrical Engineer level
• Proficient in Microsoft Office suite of software programs, etc.
• Read, write, and speak fluent English, especially as it applies to technical and business communications
9. Construction Completion Coordinator
Job Function:
Responsible to the SCL for interacting with Company and Contractor construction teams to ensure that all systems are mechanically complete prior to Hand Over to the SC Team. Has lead responsibility for (MC) planning, preparation, verification, and documentation of "A" Check Sheets, Punch Lists, as-builts, etc.
Required Knowledge, Qualifications, Skills, And Experiences:
• An engineering degree with 5 – 10 years direct "hands on" experience in construction and / or systems completion in oil and gas processing is required.
• Exposure to drilling and downhole operations would be beneficial.
• High safety awareness is mandatory. A good knowledge of simultaneous operations (SIMOPS) is essential.
• WinPCS or similar Systems Completion electronic database management system experience.
• Requires an outstanding ability to interact with customers with diverse backgrounds. Must be an excellent facilitator and must exhibit mature judgement in conjunction with sound and analytical reasoning.
• Requires ability to perform well during periods of adversity.
• Exhibit strong verbal and written communication skills. Requires the ability to build consensus in areas of contention while enhancing working relationships.
• Plant/system mechanical completion and commissioning experience is mandatory.
10. Construction Project Engineer
Responsible for Coordinating day to day activities related to various petroleum construction projects, working with various internal departments and external contractors / service providers for execution of project plan. Ensure project plan are carried out in timely and satisfactory completion per plans and specifications. Provides back up coverage for on-site Project Manager.
Ensure compliance of codes, standards, regulation and practices applicable to the design and construction (e.g API, ASME, ANSI, AGA, ISA, etc) including HSE and environmental compliance
• Minimum of 5 years of proven and progressive project management experience (within an EPC environment is an asset
• A degree in Engineering from a recognized institution – mechanical engineering degree is preferred
• Experience in contract management, and EPC contracting
• Experience in storage tanks and piping erection works
• Cost estimation experience
• Experience in using Auto Cad
• Experience in preparing report/documents in English
• Minimum 3 years' experience in petroleum terminal Projects
• Experience in Bitumen Projects will be considered as an advantage
• Experience in following up electrical & instrumentation works will be considered as an advantage
• Project management to manage and execute projects on time and within budget
• Successful track record in achieving tasks and managing and influencing people
• Fluent English, Bahasa Indonesia
• Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Office applications, excellent in Power Point and Excel. (Photoshop, Flash, and knowledge of other presentation techniques may be required but not a must)
• Getting things done
• Motivator
• Strong interpersonal skills
• Project Management Skills
• Team player
• Business acumen
• Value for money approach
• Flexible and pragmatic
Mine Operation Superintendent – Meulaboh
• Develop, propose, direct and evaluate Mine Operation unit monthly to ensure that the work plan is in accordance with the work plan of the company.
• Monitor the achievement of the mine plan, operating plan and production plan for any identified irregularities and take corrective measures to ensure the achievement of the mine plan and production targets.
• Monitor surveillance operations at the mine and all related activities to ensure that mining activities and their supporters are in accordance with the plan and its implementation is in accordance with standard procedure and regulation of the company.
• Monitor and ensure the implementation of mine operation, hauling and land clearing implemented are in accordance with applicable policy and standards.
• Maintain performance of subordinates to ensure achievement of target set by company.
• Implement policies and HSE programs to ensure that all activities in accordance with HSE under Accountability.
• Male, max 40 years old
• Bachelor Degree in Mining / Geology with at least 5 – 7 years of experience in the same field and the same industry or Diploma in Mining / Geology with a minimum of 7 years of experience in the same field and the same industry.
• Familiar with heavy equipment.
• Have min POM certification and other related work licenses.
• Able to operate supporting system.
• Understand related rules and regulations.
• Able to supervise the mining operation process (land clearing, coal mining, overburden removal, dumping, spreading, stock piling).
• Willing to be placed on site in Meulaboh.
Port Captain Superintendent – Meulaboh
• Understand and implement all of port operational regulation, K3L program to ensure that all activities is in accordance with applicable policy and standards.
• Prepare, socialize, audit and ensure all of K3L system and program is understood and carried out for all port subordinates, contractors and sub-contractors.
• Prepare annual Opex and Capex based on yearly company production target and to maximize optimization of port asset productivity to reach annual shipment targets.
• Control and evaluate monthly port operational budget activity to achieve the target and cost of shipping process.
• Make monthly shipping plans in coordination with other related departments to minimize changes In shipping schedules and anticipate the risk of loss to the possibility of spontanious combustion.
• Supervise every movement of shipping to ensure all ships operational activity can still be carried out safely and under control.
• Evaluate "weekly shipment performance" and "weekly key performance indicator" to ensure the target is reached, identify problems and decisive action is taken to achieve the target.
• Implement policies and HSE programs to ensure that all activities in accordance with HSE under Accountability
• Male, max 40 years old
• Min education from Nautical Grade ANT 2 or Nautical Grade ANT 1.
• Min 8 year experience as chief mate including 3 years as ship's master.
• Preferably with experience managing the operational activities of the port, and the unloading of coal to barges or ship.
• Have a POP certification
• Able to operate Microsoft Office and fluent to speak English
• Able to managerial and leader team
• Understand related rules and regulations
Environment Superintendent – Meulaboh
• Develop, propose, direct and evaluate environmental activities daily to ensure that the work plan is in accordance with the work plan of the company.
• Monitor and supervise maintenance and protection of the environment regarding potentialland and water pollution within the mine area, in accordance with applicable policy and standards.
• Analyze all environmental aspects within the mine area using application regulations so that reclamation activities can progress and all environmental aspects can be maintained according to procedure.
• Analyze possible corrective measure towards each environmental accident and or other environmental maintenance issues in the mine area.
• Maintain performance of subordinates to ensure achievement of target set by company.
• Implement policies and HSE programs to ensure that all activities in accordance with HSE under Accountability.
• Male, max 40 years old
• Bachelor Degree in Agriculture / Forestry / Environmental Engineering with at least 5 years of experience, including 2-3 years of experience in the same field and the same industry; or Diploma in Agriculture / Forestry / Environmental Engineering with a minimum of 5 years of experience, including 3-5 years of experience in the same field and the same industry.
• 2 years experience in Supervisor / Managerial / Senior Technical position
• Familiar with heavy equipment
• Have the AMDAL A, Ahli K3LH Umum, POP certification and other related work licenses
• Able to operate supporting system
• Understand related rules and regulations
• Willing to be placed on site in Meulaboh.
Budget & Cost Control Supervisor – Head Office
• Maintain, analyze and monitor the financial administration/documentation of the project that involves costing, payment and the making of financial reports and other related documents to be in line with company's work plan and current standard & procedures.
• Plan and conduct a financial system to increase effectiveness and efficiency of Project's cash maintenance in accordance with company's needs.
• Create and report all activities and cost of a project as a accountable report within the time scheduled.
• Implement policies and HSE programs to ensure that all activities in accordance with HSE under Accountability.
• Max 35 years old
• Minimum Diploma Degree in Accounting with at least 3 years of experience in the same field and the same industry.
• Able to operate related supporting systems/applications.
• Understand related rules and regulations
Maintenance Planner Coordinator – Meulaboh
• Prepare and implement a preventive and predictive maintenance system that can measure, monitor and control all asset on site and ensure the program is understood by all related parties in accordance with standard procedure and regulation of the company.
• Create and develop maintenance tasks and schedule registration based on daily inspections and result of the actual examination condition.
• Monitor and evaluate maintenance activity done by technicians / contractors to ensure it is in accordance with agreed plan and schedule.
• Collect maintenance data for all production and operational site assets to be used in preventive & predictive audit process.
• Create and submit maintenance activity report.
• Implement policies and HSE programs to ensure that all activities in accordance with HSE under Accountability.
• Male, max 40 years old
• Diploma or Bachelor Degree in Industrial/ mechanical / electrical engineering with at least 3 years of experience in the same field and the same industry.
• Familiar with heavy equipment
• Able to operate supporting system.
• Understand management process and work schedule control.
• Understand related rules and regulations
• Willing to be placed on site in Meulaboh.
Pit Service Foreman – Meulaboh
• Direct and monitor hauling road maintenance & showering to ensure the achievement of the mine plan and production targets.
• Construction and maintenance of Setting pond.
• Construction and control of Drainage.
• Implement policies and HSE programs to ensure that all activities in accordance with HSE under Accountability.
• Male, max 30 years old
• Minimum Diploma in Mining / Civil Engineering with at least 2 years of experience in the same field and the same industry.
• Have certification/training in K3
• Able to operate supporting system
• Understand related rules and regulations
• Experience in leading team of minimum 10 people
• Willing to be placed on site in Meulaboh
Coal Quality Control Officer – Meulaboh
• Support Site Geologist in regards of coal quality from Pit to ROM Stock Pit to Barge.
• Monitor and control coal quality in the mining, hauling, stockpiling and barging activities.
• Monitor the management of stockpile on site.
• Ensure coal that is mined and loaded meets required specifications.
• Implement policies and HSE programs to ensure that all activities in accordance with HSE under Accountability.
• Male, max 30 years old
• Diploma or Vocational Education (SMK) in Geology/Mining Engineering with a minimum of 2 years of experience in the same field and the same industry.
• Knowledge in coal quality control processes.
• Able to operate supporting system
• Understand related rules and regulations
• Willing to be placed on site in Meulaboh
• Prefer candidates from Meulaboh, Aceh, Medan and the surrounding areas
Port Safety Officer – Meulaboh
• Responsible to implement and promote Health and Safety awareness among employees at Port and other workplace
• To ensure all HSE system and procedures are in place and in line with OHS target and objective (as per OHSAS 18001:2007)
• Conduct safety inspection (electrical equipment, fire extinguisher, lifting gear, machine guarding, hand tool, first aid kit, scaffolding, working at height, welding safety inspection, etc.) and weekly safety talk.
• Coordinate with all contractors safety representative to implement safety regulation on Port.
• Conduct safety induction for new employee, visitor and on leave return employee.
• Accident investigation.
• Conduct HIRADC and periodic emergency drill.
• Control safety documents.
• Implement policies and HSE programs to ensure that all activities in accordance with HSE under Accountability.
• Male, max 35 years old
• Minimum Diploma Degree in Occupational Safety and Health/Engineering or related fields with at least 3 years of experience, including 1 year of experience in the same field and the same industry.
• Good knowledge and experience in Port Health and Safety Management, ISO 9001:2000 and OHSAS 18001:2007, ISM Code
• Certified Basic Fire Fighting, Basic Sea Survival, First Aid Level II
• Understand related rules and regulations
• Willing to be placed on site in Meulaboh
• Prefer candidates from Meulaboh, Aceh, Medan and the surrounding areas
Legal Admin – Head Office
• Plan, prepare and carry out legal document process and ensure the legal process is in accordance with schedule.
• Maintain documentation and administration of legal unit.
• Prepare legal documents needed by related parties.
• Implement policies and HSE programs to ensure that all activities in accordance with HSE under Accountability
• Female, max 25 years old
• Fresh graduate from Diploma Degree in administration/management/relevant field or SMA/High School graduate with at least 3 years of experience as admin.
• Able to operate Microsoft Office
• Active English, both written & spoken
• Understand related rules and regulations

More info check in www.nautic-resonic.com

Lowongan kerja pengawas

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Kami PT. Skala Reka Nusa adalah perusahan yang bergerak dibidang Perencanaan, Pelaksana Pembangunan, berlokasi di jl. Sultan Agung, Jakarta Selatan, membutuhkan pegawai:
1. Arsitek
2. Pengawas Lapangan

Dengan ketentuan sbb:
1. Arsitek: S1 Arsitek, mahir menggunakan 3 aplikasi: AutoCAD, 3D Max, SketchUp
2. Pengawas Lapangan: Minimal D3 Teknik Sipil, berpengalaman sebagai Pengawas Lapangan proyek konstruksi/renovasi/interior minimal 2 tahun, bisa menggunakan AutoCAD, mampu membuat RAB dan BQ, dan mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik.

Kirim CV dan portofolio kepada hr@skalareka.co.id atau chaedar@ymail.com.
Sebutkan di Subject email ART (Arsitek) atau PL (Pengawas Lapangan).
Informasikan juga mengenai expected salary dan kapan bisa bergabung bila diterima

Lowongan kerja di Nestle

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Nestled in the hearth of Seminyak in South of Bali, a luxury villa complex offers an intimate retreat with sixteen properties. Each villa has its own private pool, a living room and dining rooms.
We are urgently required team member at the following post:
GSA/Front Desk Agent
1.                  MALE
2.                  Hotel School background
3.                  Ability to communicate in English both spoken and writen
4.                  Good performance and kind personality.
5.                  A self-starter and able to work independently
6.                  Driving licence (SIM A)
7.                  Able to work as a team and willing to support other department as needed
8.                  Experience in the same field at the same level minimum one year at 4/5 star hotel/Villas
Applicants please send up dated and complete CV with recent photograph to:
Jl. Pangkung Sari, Banjar Taman
Seminyak, Kuta, Bali 80361 – Indonesia
T: +62 361 4730 533
F: +62 361 4730 143
Only short listed and qualified candidates will be contacted for interview

Lowongan kerja driver di Jakarta

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Dibutuhkan segera :
Driver (penempatan di Jakarta)
Kualifikasi :
·         Pria, min. 25 tahun
·         Min SMU
·         Pengalaman sebagai Supir minimal 1 tahun, mobil Lux, Matic maupun Manual
·         Sopan, jujur serta rajin
·         Familiar dengan wilayah Jakarta Selatan, Barat, Timur dan Utara serta Bogor
·         Dapat bekerja segera
·         Bersedia ditempatkan di Gandaria, Jakarta Selatan
Office Boy (penempatan di Jakarta)
Kualifikasi :
·         Pria, min. 23 tahun
·         Min SMU
·         Pengalaman sebagai Office Boy minimal 1 tahun
·         Sopan, jujur, rajin dan gesit
·         Dapat bekerja segera
·         Bersedia ditempatkan di Gandaria, Jakarta Selatan
Bila berminat harap dapat segera mengirimkan data diri, posisi yang dilamar dan foto terbaru ke email :
Atau mengirimkan CV lengkap Anda ke alamat :
            PT. Taman Safari Indonesia
JL. Gandaria Tengah III no. 62 A-C Kramat Pela, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12130


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